Biology Syllabus


  • Biology is a college preparatory course with chemistry, astronomy and oceanography components that align with District Science Standards. Laboratory work investigates core concepts in the physical science and is designed to reinforce subject area content.
  • The only place where there is information about extra credit is on the class web page.


  • No Hats in class, No Cell Phones in class, Tardies will be given to any student not in their seat when the tardy bell rings.
  • Any uncalled for or negative disruptions to the learning environment will constitute a warning. Likewise, if student conduct is unsafe, or in any other wise unsatisfactory, the instructor will discuss with the school administration the possibility of alternative class placement. Classroom and school rules, as well as the safety rules, are the minimum expectations.
  • Students are expected to do their own work, not copy from others


  • Excessive warnings for poor behavior or conduct will not be given. After school detention or alternative class placement will be assigned if students don’t follow instructions or need repeated warnings. Only one warning will be given to a student each period and immediate compliance is expected. Students not complying with generally established or specific instructions will be considered as receiving a warning for the offense. The second warning for the same offense in a given class period results in detention. Students that miss class time due to inappropriate behaviors will not be allowed to make up the assignment or the point.
  • Students will receive a zero for any assignment or assessment found to have been copied from another student or internet source, this also includes providing work to other students.


  • All students are required to pass the laboratory safety test and any additional competency exams with a high level of success before permitted to participate in laboratory activities. Additionally, students must sign a safety contract prior to participation.


  • Students are expected to bring the following required materials to school with them daily: Spiral notebook for class notes, 3-ring notebook with class dividers, papers, pencils/pens, and a student planner (to record assignments in). Some consumable materials of nominal expense will be expected of each student. Students will also be required to bring other materials when assigned.


  • Appropriate replacement fees, established by district standards, will be charged for laboratory and classroom resources damaged or broken by students.


  • If a student is in class when an assignment is made, but absent on the day it is due, the assignment must be turned in the first day of the student's return. ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF THE STUDENT IS TRUANT EITHER THE DAY THE ASSIGNMENT WAS GIVEN OR THE DAY IT IS DUE. (If the student is assigned ACP they MUST request the work before missing any classes. Work MAY be provided depending on the type of assignment for the day. Labs and group activities cannot be made up.) The last two weeks of each quarter all work must be turned in on the posted date.


  • Make-up EXAMS will be given on the first TUESDAY BEFORE SCHOOL, after the scheduled exams. Because you will have had additional time to prepare for the exam, NO NOTES can be used for the make-up tests.
  • You will only have TWO Weeks to make up a given chapter exam. After that if it is not made up it will be a zero in the grade book.
  • There will be NO make-up for QUIZZES. Lab work can be made-up if materials and time allows.
  • The make-up work is your responsibility, your instructor will not remind you.
  • TESTS THAT ARE NOT MADE UP RECEIVE A GRADE OF ZERO. No make-up will be allowed for truancies.


  • This grade is based upon your behavior in class. Failure to follow classroom and safety rules will result in a lower than satisfactory grade. 
  • Unacceptable behavior consists of but not limited to: eating, drinking, chewing gum in class, rude or argumentative behavior, excessive talking, excessive tardiness, horseplay, or other actions that may endanger the safety of others in the room. 


  • Inconsistencies sometimes occur even with careful grading and evaluation. If you feel something was missed or overlooked in your work, write a note describing that error, attach it to your paper, and return it to your instructor. Re-evaluation will not be done during class time. 


  • Extra credit will be available to the class from time-to-time. 
  • Extra credit will only be posted on the Teacher Web Page


  • Standard Grading Scale:

           A is 90% - 100% 

          B is 80% - 89%

          C is 70% - 79%

          D is 60% - 69%

          F is 0 -59%