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STEM - Engineering


Class Information

Pathway lead
Eric Lee                Email: [email protected]

STEM Coordinator

Renee Rosas          Email: [email protected]
Deena Rodriguez    Email: [email protected]



PLTW Engineering Students Become Tomorrow's Problem Solvers Today
From launching space explorations to delivering safe, clean water to communities, engineers find solutions to pressing problems and turn their ideas into reality. PLTW Engineering empowers students to step into the role of an engineer, adopt a problem-solving mindset, and make the leap from dreamers to doers. The program’ s courses engage students in compelling, real-world challenges that help them become better collaborators and thinkers. Students take from the courses in-demand knowledge and skills they will use in high school and for the rest of their lives, on any career path they take.  

PLTW Engineering courses are part of the AP + PLTW engineering pathway.

Building a Strong Foundation for College and Career
Each PLTW Engineering course engages students in interdisciplinary 
activities like working with a client to design a home, programming electronic devices or robotic arms, or exploring algae as a biofuel source. These activities not only build knowledge and skills in engineering, but also empower students to develop essential skills such as problem solving, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and perseverance.


Course Sequence

Year 1
Introduction to Engineering Design

Students dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects like designing a new toy or improving an existing product. 

Year 2
Principles of Engineering
Students explore a broad range of engineering topics including mechanisms, strength of structure and materials, and automation, and then they apply what they know to take on challenges like designing a self-powered car. 

Year 3 
Aerospace Engineering

Students explore the physics of flight and bring what they're learning to life through hands-on projects like designing a glider and creating a program for an autonomous space rover. 

Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Students discover and explore manufacturing processes, product design, 
robotics, and automation, and then they apply what they have learned to design solutions for real-world manufacturing problems. 

Year 4 

Engineering Design and Development

Students identify a real-world challenge and then research, design, and test a solution, ultimately presenting their unique solutions to a panel of engineers. 

All information is from the website.  © 2018 Project Lead The Way, Inc.



CNC West STEM Issue
Read about the STEM Engineering program in an article written by CNC-West. 


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