Hello Panther Families,
In an effort to promote a safer campus environment, Corona High School will begin implementing a series of changes designed to enhance our safety operations. Beginning, August 25, 2022, all students will need to enter the campus via the clock tower gates or the main parking lot entrance adjacent to F1. Other access point will no longer be available to students entering the campus. We will also begin our “soft” launch of a student scan in system, intended to prevent non-students from entering campus at particularly vulnerable times. To ensure a seamless introduction to our safety operations, we want to provide you with some important information:
-All students must arrive to campus with their lanyards and student ID’s visible. We have extensively promoted the lanyard and ID requirement, please help us minimize potential delays by making sure your scholar is ready to scan in.
-Regular first period students can begin scanning in at 8am everyday except for Wednesday. During PCT Wednesdays, students can scan in starting at 8:30am.
-Zero period students can scan in beginning at 7:20amevery day except for Wednesday. During PCT Wednesdays, they can scan in starting at 8:30am.ZERO PERIOD STUDENTS MUST SCAN IN THE FRONT OFFICE UPON ARRIVAL.
-Students who do not have their student ID/lanyards will be advised that they need to get one from the student store before Monday, August 29th.After the 29th, students without ID’s must check in at the clock tower gates before going to class. Students will be provided with a temporary ID during their first period class.
-Students arriving after first period are required to enter campus via the front office and scan in.
-Students are not required to scan out, however appropriate attendance protocols must followed if a student leaves campus prior to dismissal.
-We will begin strict enforcement of our new protocols effective Monday, August 29th.
We would like to thank you in advance for helping us to ensure a smooth implementation to our new safety guidelines at Corona High School. With your collaboration, we will continue to work towards a safer campus community with higher levels of achievement.
The Corona High School Administration Team