Our school philosophy is that families, students, and school staff will work in partnership to help each student reach his/her potential. As partners, we agree to the following:
As a student, I will:
- Believe that I can learn and will learn.
- Come to class on time, ready to learn and participate, and with assignments completed.
- Set aside time every day to complete my homework.
- Demonstrate positive school behavior.
- Know and follow the school and class rules including our RAWR Matrix.
- Follow the school’s dress code.
- Regularly talk to my parents and my teachers about my progress in school.
- Respect my school, classmates, staff, and family.
- Be kind to all classmates and staff members.
- Be social media, cellphone, and technology responsible.
Student Signature__________________________________________
As the parent/guardian of the student, I will:
- Talk to my child regularly about the value of education.
- Monitor television viewing and computer usage - especially social media.
- Make sure that my child attends school every day, on time, and with homework completed.
- Support the school’s positive behavior and dress code policies and practices.
- Monitor my child’s progress in school.
- Make every effort to attend school events such as Open House and Back- to-School Night.
- Ensure that my child gets adequate sleep, regular medical attention, and proper nutrition.
- Participate in school, home, and community sponsored activities to meet my agreed upon responsibility of supporting the school.
- Participate in shared decision making with school staff and other families for the benefit of students.
- Respect the school, staff, students, and families.
Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________
As the Staff of Corona High School, we will:
- Communicate high expectations for every student.
- Endeavor to motivate our students to learn.
- Teach and involve students in classes that are interesting and challenging.
- Participate in professional development opportunities that improve learning, teaching, and support the formation of partnerships with families and the community.
- Enforce positive behavior expectations and involve students in creating a safe learning environment in the classroom.
- Communicate regularly with families about their child’s progress in school.
- Provide assistance to families on what they can do to support their child’s learning.
- Participate in shared decision making with other school staff and families for the benefit of students.
- Respect the school, staff, students, and families.
___Ben Sanchez_________________
Ben Sanchez, Principal